I completed my Ph.D. in ecology and behavior of wintering birds at the University of Latvia in 1996. Soon after, I joined Daugavpils University in southeastern Latvia. I am currently a visiting professor at the University of Tartu in Estonia and a visiting researcher at the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center. I also teach a short course of population ecology at the University of Latvia. My research program focuses on molecular ecology, predator-prey interactions, the evolution of social behavior, life histories, distribution ranges of species and populations driven by climate change, ecological immunology, and host-parasite interactions. I am not taxa-specific, and my research has been on varied animals, including birds, insects, humans, amphibians, fish, and blood parasites. I spent an amazing academic year at the University of Tennessee–Knoxville and Harvard University (sponsored by the Fulbright Program of Department of State of the United States) where I got interested in the Drosophila research.
GALLERYQuality created photos using a decent camera.
PUBLICATIONSSerious research on birds, insects and more.
CONTACTOnly for work related purposes.